CoolSculpting is the most effective non-invasive technique to remove unwanted fat cells from targeted regions of the body. This FDA-approved fat reduction technique involves freezing unwanted fat cells to facilitate their expulsion from the body via the lymphatic system. Once the stubborn fat cells are removed, your body looks more contoured and well-proportioned. This procedure has FDA approval for the following areas — abdomen, bra and back fat, banana rolls, face and neck, flanks, legs, male chest, and upper arms.


Freeze away stubborn fat cells for a flat stomach with visible abdominal definition.

Banana Roll

Eliminate the banana rolls to achieve firm and contoured buttocks.

Bra & Back Fat

Remove bulges of fat under the bra line and the lower back fat through fat freezing.

Face & Neck

Freeze away the unwanted fat underneath the chin to eliminate your double chin and achieve a chiseled jawline.


Eliminate the love handles at your sides to improve proportionality.


Freeze away excess fat from the inner and outer thighs and knees.

Male Chest

Get rid of excess subcutaneous fat to achieve a firm, sculpted, and masculine chest.

Upper Arms

Eliminate the bat wings under your arms by freezing away the excess fat pockets.

Determine Your CoolSculpting Candidacy

Do you have unwanted pockets of stubborn fat in one of the areas mentioned above? Are you within 30 pounds of your goal weight? If so, please schedule a consultation to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for CoolSculpting treatments.

Your Journey Towards A Slimmer Figure Starts With A Personalized Consultation At Snowology