If you wish to find out more about your personalized treatment options, please select your cosmetic concerns by selecting the appropriate body area below. Our office will contact you to discuss your options.

3d woman
Target a double chin or excess fat tissues underneath the jawline.NEXT
Address excess skin laxity and subcutaneous fat tissues in the upper arms.NEXT
CoolSculpting can target specific pockets of fat on your abdomen to freeze away the excess fat cells.NEXT
Rid yourself of bulky knee fats, bulges of fat in the inner thighs, and “saddlebags.”NEXT
Treat unwanted bra fat, also known as the bra bulge, which can lead to bulges of fat spilling out from the side of your bra. NEXT
Use CoolSculpting to treat the accumulation of subcutaneous fat cells on the flanks, known as love handles or muffin tops.NEXT
CoolSculpting can help with “banana rolls”, the rolls of subcutaneous fat tissues that form underneath the buttocks.NEXT
Halt the development of stubborn pockets of fat in your outer thighs, inner thighs, and knees.NEXT
3d man
Target a double chin or excess fat tissues underneath the jawline.NEXT
Address fatty chest tissues for the male chest.NEXT
CoolSculpting can target specific pockets of fat on your abdomen to freeze away the excess fat cells.NEXT
Treat bulky knee fats and bulges of fat in the inner or outer thighs.NEXT
Address excess skin laxity and subcutaneous fat tissues in the upper arms.NEXT
Treat bulky knee fats and bulges of fat in the inner or outer thighs.NEXT
Use CoolSculpting to treat the accumulation of subcutaneous fat cells on the flanks, known as love handles or muffin tops.NEXT